#A10054$14.95 - In StockJul-Aug, H 36-48", W 12-18", Z 4-8–(A. napellus) Indigo blue, hooded flowers. BR
#A11132$19.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 32-48", W 24-30", Z 3-9–(A. ramosa) Fluffy pink spikes are a striking contrast with dark...
#A10077$13.95 - In StockJul-Oct, H 24-36", W 18-24", Z 5-9–Thick spikes of smoky lilac flowers open from purplish-black buds. Repels...
#A10100$16.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 16-18", W 14-16", Z 5-9–(PP28747) Low-growing mounds of green aromatic foliage send up shoots of...
#A10095$16.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 18-22", W 24-30", Z 5-9–(PP25857) Easy to grow. Green foliage becomes covered in bright pink flowers...
#A60193$17.95 - In StockJul-Aug, H 12-18", W 12-18", Z 5-8–A clump-forming variety with glossy green leaves that maintains a tidy,...
#A10196$16.95 - In StockMay-Jun, H 30-36", W 18-24", Z 3-8–(A. azurea) Plants have ½" bright blue flowers. BR
#A10201$15.95 - In StockAug-Oct, H 30-50", W 24-36", Z 4-8–Abundant 2-3" white blooms with golden stamens. 2016 Perennial of the Year....
#A10218$16.95 - Out of StockJul-Sep, H 30-40", W 20-36", Z 3-8–Almost shrub-like plants with masses of 2-3" bright pink flowers and dark...Buy Now Details
#A10219$16.95 - In StockJun-Sep, H 18-22", W 14-18", Z 5-8-(PP23132) Large, 3" blooms have lilac blue bands on the backsides of their petals....
#A10229$15.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 36-72", W 24-48", Z 4-8–(A. gigas) Bears abundant 4-8" red-purple flower heads atop tall red stems....
#A10248$12.95 - In StockMay-Jun, H 12-18", W 12-15", Z 4-8–(A. vulgaris) Upward-facing hose-in-hose double blooms seem to be winking at...
#A10455$18.95 - In StockMay-Jul, H 30-32", W 40-48", Z 4-8–(PP30740) When blooming, it is so packed with lacy-textured, creamy white...
#A10543$14.95 - In StockAug-Oct, H 18-20", W 12-18", Z 3-9–(Symphyotrichum novi-belgii) Semi-double, daisy-like blooms are a luminous...
#A10685$16.95 - Out of StockMay-Jul, H 22-26", W 24-26", Z 4-8–(PP24940) Foliage begins dark bronze and transitions to dark green after...Buy Now Details
#A10617$15.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 20-30", W 18-24", Z 4-8–(PP17816) Brilliant lime green foliage outlined in wine-red turns to gold in...
#A10600$15.95 - In StockMay-Jul, H 20-24", W 20-24", Z 3-8–(A. chinensis) Cherry-red blooms on dark stems look amazing set against deep...
#A10677$15.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 30-45", W 18-24", Z 3-8–(A. chinensis) Red to magenta-pink flower plumes top dark green foliage with...
#A10715$15.95 - Out of StockJun-Sep, H 26-30", W 18-20", Z 4-7–(A. major, PP20284) Burgundy-red flowers with white centers appear atop...Buy Now Details
#A10739$19.95 - In StockMay-Jul, H 42-48", W 48", Z 4-9–(PP30669) Bicolor flowers start yellow and age to a dusty raspberry-purple....
#A10738$19.95 - In StockMay-Jun, H 32-36", W 32-36", Z 4-9-(PP27904) Selected for its brilliant violet blue blossoms and short, compact...
#A10768$16.95 - In StockMar-May, H 14-18", W 10-12", Z 4-9–Oval-shaped green leaves act as a pleasant backdrop for incredibly large...
#A11405$20.95 - In StockMay-Sep, H 8-12", W 10-15", Z 3-9–A long-blooming hybrid bearing clusters of large, reddish-pink flowers. Has...
#A11419$18.95 - In StockMay-Jun, H 18-24", W 24-36", Z 3-9–(D. spectabilis) Classic pink and white, heart-shaped blooms really pop...
#A11422$18.95 - In StockApr-May, H 28-32", W 34-35", Z 3-8–(D. spectabilis, PP22739) An excellent selection with cherry-red,...
#A10790$18.95 - In StockMay-Jun, H 16-18", W 28-32", Z 3-8-(B. macrophylla, PP25789) This giant leaved variety has silvery foliage similar to...
#A10788$16.95 - In StockMay-Jun, H 14-16", W 12-15", Z 3-8–(B. macrophylla, PP24685) Unique foliage is silver with narrow green veins,...
#A10488$16.95 - Out of StockJun-Aug, H 18-36", W 15-24", Z 3-9–(A. tuberosa) Its eye-catching, bright orange flowers are irresistible to...Buy Now Details
#A10485$15.95 - In StockJun-Aug, H 40", W 25-30", Z 4-9–(A. incarnata) Vanilla-scented, mauve-pink flowers with lighter centers are...
#A10839$15.95 - In StockJun-Aug, H 4-8", W 10-18", Z 4-8–(C. portenschlagiana) Low, prostrate mounds of small, ivy-shaped leaves and...
#A10851$13.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 15-18", W 18-24", Z 4-8–Strong, well-branched plants bear a profusion of dark purple-blue pendulous...
#A13297$15.95 - In StockJun-Aug, H 24-36", W 12-18", Z 3-8–(N. faassenii, PP24472) Dense, compact plants have strong, upright stems...
#A13295$15.95 - In StockMay-Sep, H 8-12", W 8-10", Z 3-9–(PP29556) Compact, clump-forming plants produce an abundance of large blue...
#A10896$14.95 - In StockJun-Sep, H 18-36", W 18-24", Z 4-8-(C. ruber) Clusters of fragrant, star shaped, carmine red flowers produced from...
#A10990$15.95 - In StockAug-Oct, H 18-36", W 18-48", Z 3-9-Minnesota-bred Mammoth™ is extra hardy. True perennials that come back year...
#A10996$15.95 - In StockAug-Oct, H 18-36", W 18-48", Z 3-9-(PP19831) Minnesota-bred Mammoth™ is extra hardy. True perennials that come...
#A10993$15.95 - In StockAug-Oct, H 18-36", W 18-48", Z 3-9-Minnesota-bred Mammoth™ is extra hardy. True perennials that come back year...
#A11174$17.95 - In StockJun-Oct, H 15-18", W 12-18", Z 5-9–(PP24689) Wine-red, 1½-2" flowers cover mounds of narrow green...
#A11106$17.95 - In StockJun-Oct, H 24-30", W 18-24", Z 5-9–(PP23035) Huge 2" flowers open white, developing purple centers and petal...
#A11171$15.95 - In StockJun-Aug, H 15-18", W 22-26", Z 5-9–(C. verticillata) Threadleaf plants are covered with 1-1¾" blooms in...
#A11115$14.95 - In StockJun-Aug, H 12-14", W 12-14", Z 5-9–(PP28866) At 3" across, these blooms are larger than most other coreopsis...
#A11201$19.95 - In StockMay-Jul, H 6-10", W 8-12", Z 6-8–Red stems and dark blue-green leaves contrast beautifully with deep blue...
#A11288$20.95 - In StockJun-Sep, H 36-48", W 18-24", Z 3-7–(PP27704) Double blooms have multiple layers of blue-purple petals...
#A11273$17.95 - In StockJun-Sep, H 60-72", W 18-24", Z 3-7–Sky blue with lavender-pink accents. These seed-grown hybrids have strong...
#A11266$17.95 - In StockJun-Sep, H 48-72", W 18-24", Z 3-7–Cobalt blue florets with white bees. These seed-grown hybrids have strong...
#A11276$17.95 - In StockJun-Sep, H 48-72", W 18-24", Z 3-7–Dark blue-purple flowers. These seed-grown hybrids have strong stems that...
#A11307$14.95 - In StockMay-Sep, H 11", W 11", Z 5-9–(PP29900) Large, fragrant flowers of the palest blush pink have coral central...
#A11372$15.95 - In StockJun-Sep, H 10-14", W 10-12", Z 5-9–(PP29480) Large fragrant blooms, up to 2" in diameter are quite...
#A11317$14.95 - In StockMay-Sep, H 6-8", W 12-15", Z 3-9–An outstanding selection praised for its profuse bloom display, spicy clove...
#A11397$18.95 - In StockJun-Sep, H 8-10", W 10-14", Z 4-9–(PP28603) Vibrant magenta, 2" double blooms are ruffled and serrated....
#A11593$22.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 26-30", W 18-24", Z 4-9–(PP22602) Depending on the age of the flower, these large, fragrant and...
#A11480$19.95 - In StockJun-Sep, H 22-24", W 18-20", Z 4-9–(PP23103) Large pompon blooms have candy pink tufted centers and flared ray...
#A11503$18.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 26-28", W 26-28", Z 4-8–(PP31889) Compact plants have better basal branching than many older...
#A11539$19.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 24-30", W 18-24", Z 3-8–(PP18429) Abundant purplish-pink flowers with reddish centers have a double...
#A08755$17.95 - In StockJun-Sep, H 38-42", W 18-24", Z 3-8–(E. purpurea) Flowers are a bicolor lemony green with carmine-red centers...
#A11473$17.95 - In StockJun-Oct, H 15-18", W 18-24", Z 4-9–(PP29743) Large, bright red blooms. Free-flowering. A breakthrough in hybrid...
#A11567$22.95 - In StockJun-Sep, H 20-24", W 18-24", Z 4-9–(PPAF) The bicolor raspberry-pink flowers have white tips and red central...
#A11637$18.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 22-32", W 24-30", Z 4-8–(PP23525) Yellow petals flare wide and straight around orange cones on this...
#A11564$18.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 20-28", W 18-20", Z 4-9-(PP26159) Giant 4½" blooms are honey mango in color with a fabulous scent...
#A11588$18.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 36-40", W 30-40", Z 4-8–(PP21932) Two-toned orange and yellow 3½-4" flowers are hot, hot,...
#A11485$18.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 28-34", W 24-28", Z 4-9–(PP18839) Huge 4½" flowers are pumpkin orange with wide petals and...
#A11544$18.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 30-34", W 24-28", Z 3-9–(PP19427) Nonfading tomato-red flowers up to 6" across look like flares in...
#A11571$17.95 - In StockJun-Oct, H 18-22", W 24", Z 4-10–(PP28788) Creamy 4" blossoms have a double anemone-type look with light yellow...
#A11641$18.95 - Out of StockJul-Sep, H 26-30", W 15-20", Z 4-9–(PP24897) Blooms are the color of a ripe cantaloupe. Young flowers look like...Buy Now Details
#A11650$15.95 - In StockMay-Oct, H 10-16", W 8-12", Z 3-9–(E. amoenum) This drought-tolerant selection has mounds of dark green,...
#A11600$18.95 - In StockJun-Aug, H 28-32", W 24-28", Z 4-9–(E. zabelii, PP20636) Large, 4" flower heads are iridescent blue surrounded...
#A11612$13.95 - In StockJul-Aug, H 36-40", W 18-20", Z 4-8–(E. planum) One of the fastest varieties to mature, blooming in its first...
#A11719$19.95 - In StockH 24-36", W 48-72", Z 3-8–(Athyrium) This monster is a stunning beauty in any shade garden. It can reach 3'...
#A11770$19.95 - In StockH 36-60", W 36-60", Z 3-8–(Matteuccia struthiopteris) Bright green, feathery fronds. Spreads quickly. Grows in...
#A11726$17.95 - In StockH 12-18", W 18-24", Z 4-9–(Athyrium niponicum) Ruffled fronds have dark red stems and a dark violet-red...
#A11451$15.95 - In StockJun-Jul, H 36-48", W 12-24", Z 4-9–(D. purpurea) This biennial foxglove has upfacing bright rose-pink tubular...
#A11465$14.95 - In StockJun-Jul, H 16-36", W 12-18", Z 4-9–(D. purpurea) Peach-pink bells accented with orange-speckled throats age to...
#A11466$14.95 - In StockJun-Jul, H 16-36", W 12-18", Z 4-9–(D. purpurea) Deep lavender purple flowers with spotted throats. These...
#A11467$14.95 - In StockJun-Jul, H 16-36", W 12-18", Z 4-9–(D. purpurea) Pure white flowers with purple-spotted throats. These...
#A11837$15.95 - In StockJun-Oct, H 10-12", W 12-18", Z 3-10–(G. aristata) These highly awarded gaillardias feature widely adapted...
#A11833$15.95 - In StockJun-Oct, H 10-12", W 12-18", Z 3-10–(G. aristata) These highly awarded gaillardias feature widely adapted...
#A11832$15.95 - In StockJun-Oct, H 10-12", W 12-18", Z 3-10–(G. aristata) These highly awarded gaillardias feature widely adapted...
#A11860$13.95 - In StockJul-Oct, H 18-24", W 18-24", Z 5-9–(G. lindheimeri, PP22290) Unique bicolor flowers are white and edged with...
#A11828$15.95 - In StockJun-Sep, H 10-24", W 14-20", Z 5-9–(G. lindheimeri) Plants produce masses of white blossoms earlier in the...
#A11821$21.95 - Out of StockJun-Oct, H 28-32", W 18-20", Z 4-8–(PP19850) This aromatic, spreading geranium features bright yellow-green...Buy Now Details
#A11916$19.95 - Out of StockJun-Aug, H 6-8", W 8-12", Z 3-8–(G. cinereum, PP20096) Lilac-colored blossoms have deep purple veins and...Buy Now Details
#A11949$18.95 - In StockApr-Sep, H 10-12", W 18-22", Z 5-9–(PP31208) A reblooming variety that produces flowers all summer long. The...
#A11945$18.95 - In StockApr-Jun, H 7-12", W 8-12", Z 5-9–Short stems hold eye-catching coral-red, double flowers. Green, mounding...
#A17105$19.95 - In StockAug-Sep, H 48-60", W 12-24", Z 3-9–(Andropogon gerardii, PP27949) Big Bluestem. Spring foliage emerges deep...
#A12140$18.95 - Out of StockJul-Aug, H 12-16", W 15-18", Z 5-9–(Pennisetum alopecuroides, PP21917) Miniature Fountain Grass. The green...Buy Now Details
#A17145$18.95 - In StockSep-Oct, H 72-84", W 36-48", Z 4-9–(Miscanthus sinensis, PP30374) Maiden Grass. Upright green foliage turns to...
#A12021$18.95 - In StockSep, H 36-48", W 24", Z 3-9–(Schizachyrium scoparium, PP27433) Little Bluestem. Foliage slowly transforms from...
#A12034$17.95 - In StockJul-Oct, H 18-22", W 20-24", Z 3-9–(H. autumnale, PP25977) Fiery orange-red and yellow bicolor flowers with...
#A12046$15.95 - In StockJul-Oct, H 36-48", W 24-36", Z 3-8–Petals in varying shades of orange-red surround prominent, velvety...
#A12062$15.95 - In StockJun-Sep, H 22-24", W 14-18", Z 3-9–(H. helianthoides) A fully double variety with golden-yellow blooms and...
#A12060$16.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 24-26", W 18-22", Z 4-9–Soft red, 2" flowers shade toward orange at the petal edges and have brown...
#A12052$23.95 - In StockMar-Apr, H 18-24", W 24", Z 4-9–This single-flowered series was bred by Hans Hansen of Walters Gardens, Inc....
#A12087$23.95 - In StockMar-Apr, H 18-24", W 24", Z 4-9–This single-flowered series was bred by Hans Hansen of Walters Gardens, Inc....
#A12184$23.95 - In StockMar-Apr, H 18-24", W 24", Z 4-9–This single-flowered series was bred by Hans Hansen of Walters Gardens, Inc....
#A12091$23.95 - In StockMar-Apr, H 18-24", W 22-26", Z 4-9–This festive collection honors members of wedding parties. Fitting, since...
#A12093$23.95 - In StockMar-Apr, H 18-24", W 22-26", Z 4-9–This festive collection honors members of wedding parties. Fitting, since...