Showy blooms attract pollinators.
Agastache, or Anise Hyssop, is often found in herb gardens due to its aromatic foliage and spikes of small edible flowers. They are long flowering additions to perennial borders and very drought and heat tolerant.
#A10077$13.95 - In StockJul-Oct, H 24-36", W 18-24", Z 5-9–Thick spikes of smoky lilac flowers open from purplish-black buds. Repels...
#A10100$16.95 - In StockJul-Sep, H 16-18", W 14-16", Z 5-9–(PP28747) Low-growing mounds of green aromatic foliage send up shoots of...
#A10095$16.95 - Out of StockJul-Sep, H 18-22", W 24-30", Z 5-9–(PP25857) Easy to grow. Green foliage becomes covered in bright pink flowers...Buy Now Details