
Adds wonderful texture to landscapes!

The colorful, feathery flower spikes of Astilbe, or False Spirea, combined with lush and lacy ornamental foliage make these splendid plants showstoppers for the summer shade garden. Although recommended for shade, most tolerate some sun if kept moist. Fertilize in spring or fall, keep well-watered, allow for good drainage, and divide every 3 years to maintain vigor.

  • #A10685
    $16.95 - Out of Stock
    May-Jul, H 22-26", W 24-26", Z 4-8–(PP24940) Foliage begins dark bronze and transitions to dark green after...
  • #A10617
    $15.95 - In Stock
    Jul-Sep, H 20-30", W 18-24", Z 4-8–(PP17816) Brilliant lime green foliage outlined in wine-red turns to gold in...
  • #A10598
    $14.95 - Out of Stock
    Jul-Aug, H 28-32", W 22-26", Z 4-8–(PPAF) Mounds of dark green foliage send up an abundance of puffy light pink...
  • #A10600
    $15.95 - Out of Stock
    May-Jul, H 20-24", W 20-24", Z 3-8–(A. chinensis) Cherry-red blooms on dark stems look amazing set against deep...
  • #A10677
    $15.95 - In Stock
    Jul-Sep, H 30-45", W 18-24", Z 3-8–(A. chinensis) Red to magenta-pink flower plumes top dark green foliage with...
  • #A10667
    $13.95 - Out of Stock
    Jul-Aug, H 18-30", W 22-26", Z 4-8-(PP25382) Fluffy, fragrant, bright rose pink plumes contrast beautifully with...