Each $11.95
2 or more are $9.95 each
6 or more are $7.95 each
10 or more are $6.45 each
#A15002$11.95 - In StockMidseason, H 24-28", Dor, Fra–Ruffled, 5" gold flowers with red eyes and yellow-green throats. Very...
#A14800$11.95 - In StockMidseason, H 28-32", Dor, Fra–Eye-popping, 7" blossoms are red-orange with a deeper red band and gold throat....
#A14902$11.95 - In StockEarly, H 20-24", Sev, Re, Ext–Mauve pink 5½" blooms have deep purple eyezones, green throats and...
#A15514$11.95 - In StockMidseason-Late, H 26-30", Ev, Re-These 4½" flowers of intense violet purple have a greenish yellow throat that...
#A14901$11.95 - In StockEarly-Midseason, H 28-32", Dor–Raspberry pink, 5" blossoms have a faint halo and ivory midribs. An apricot...
#A14913$11.95 - In StockMidseason, H 22-26", Dor, Re, Fra–Magnificent 6½" clear lavender flowers with green centers have wide,...
#A15524$11.95 - In StockMidseason-Late, H 26-30", Dor, Re–This super-bloomer bears flowers over several weeks, plus reblooms reliably....
#A14814$11.95 - In StockMidseason-Late, H 30-32", Dor, Re, Fra–Each scape is heavily branched, resulting in a lavish display of 6"...
#A15039$11.95 - In StockEarly-Midseason, H 26-30", Sev, Re-Good-sized 6" cream flowers have large purple-red eyezones and are rimmed with...
#A15539$11.95 - In StockEarly-Midseason, H 28-32", Sev, Re–Large, 5½" blooms are striking maroon-red with a black velvet finish...
#A14924$11.95 - In StockLate, H 26-30", Dor, Ext–Long-lasting, 5" flowers of butter yellow are adorned with deep wine-purple eyezones...
#A14836$11.95 - In StockLate, H 30-34", Dor, Fra–This super-bloomer bears an exceptional number of 4¾" bicolor blooms. The...
#A15141$11.95 - In StockMidseason, H 26-30", Dor–Diamond-dusted 5½" lemon-yellow blooms of heavy substance have a corduroy...
#A15552$11.95 - In StockEarly-Midseason, H 16-20", Dor, Re, Fra, Ext–A very floriferous, fragrant performer packed with 4½"...
#A14942$11.95 - In StockLate, H 20-24", Dor, Fra–Brilliant 6" flowers are orange-gold, each petal lavishly ruffled. An excellent grower...
#A14854$11.95 - In StockEarly-Midseason, H 28-32", Dor–A charming double featuring 5½" blooms of bright coral with pink...
#A14934$11.95 - In StockMidseason, H 12-16", Ev, Ext-Blooms 6" across are a shimmering rose pink blend accented with deeper pink veining, pie...
#A14861$11.95 - In StockMidseason, H 28-32", Dor–Sunfast 5½" blooms are black-red with a hint of violet. A faint black halo and...
#A15063$11.95 - In StockMidseason, H 28-32", Sev, Fra–This fragrant gem is a lovely combination of all things decadent. The 5" ruffled,...
#A14876$11.95 - In StockEarly-Midseason, H 22-26", Dor-Rose-lavender, 3¾" flowers have wine red eyes, mauve-rose watermarks,...
#A15236$11.95 - In StockMidseason, H 32-36", Dor–Loads of brilliant golden-orange 6½" blooms are held on widely branched scapes....
#A15233$11.95 - In StockEarly-Midseason, H 20-24", Dor–Super-hot 5" blooms are a combination of amber-gold and orange with a wire edge...
#A15602$11.95 - In StockMidseason-Late, H 28-32", Dor, Ext-Strong plants produce 5-5½" blooms of russet red-orange with deep burgundy...
#A14955$11.95 - In StockEarly-Midseason, H 24-28", Sev, Re–Near-white, 5½" blooms display huge, black-purple eyezones and deep...
#A14878$11.95 - In StockMidseason, H 22-28", Dor, Re–Bears huge, 6" blooms of bright red edged with gold. The multiple petals are...
#A14882$11.95 - In StockEarly-Midseason, H 28-32", Sev, Re, Fra–A wonderful novelty daylily that consistently bears 5" double blooms of...
#A15614$11.95 - In StockMidseason-Late, H 34-38", Dor–Long petals form huge flowers, up to 8" across, with an unusual, crispate form....
#A15263$11.95 - In StockEarly-Midseason, H 16-20", Dor–Deeply ruffled, 4½" shell pink flowers on compact plants. Despite the...
#A15270$11.95 - In StockEarly-Midseason, H 36-40", Dor, Fra, Ext–Huge, 6" blooms are a glowing blend of pink and tangerine with creamy...
#A15363$11.95 - In StockMidseason, H 34-38", Dor, Fra–These ruffled 6" blossoms are a rich lemon yellow with deep veins and a green...
#A15627$11.95 - In StockEarly-Midseason, H 20-24", Dor–Diamond-dusted 5½" blooms are a melting pot of apricot, melon and pink. A...
#A15640$11.95 - In StockMidseason-Late, H 28-32", Dor–Bluish-lavender 5½" flowers have a darker blue-lavender band above a...
#A15505$11.95 - In StockLate, H 24-28", Dor–Light peach petals take on tangerine hues as they reach the golden throat. Petals have...
#A15289$11.95 - In StockMidseason-Late, H 22-26", Dor–One of the brightest red daylilies we offer. Crimson red 5" blooms are textured...
#A15637$11.95 - In StockEarly, H 32-36", Dor-These gigantic 9" ruby red flowers have long, spoon shaped petals that lay flat to display...
#A15300$11.95 - In StockEarly, H 16-20", Dor, Re, Fra–A reliable everbloomer that thrives in tough locations. Compact plants produce a...
#A15307$11.95 - In StockMidseason, H 28-32", Dor–Carnation-like 4½" double blossoms are bright grape-purple with darker centers....
#A15647$11.95 - In StockMidseason-Late, H 34-38", Dor, Re, Fra–A unique bloom with a rather untidy appearance. The creamy yellow,...
#A14976$11.95 - In StockMidseason, H 28-32", Dor, Re, Fra–The warm tangerine-coral, 5½" blooms of this exceptionally...
#A14977$11.95 - In StockMidseason, H 24-28", Dor–The 5" flowers are wine-red with a heavy, gold edge, lighter sepals and green throats...
#A15665$11.95 - In StockEarly-Midseason, H 24-28", Dor-We fell in love with this diamond dusted pink bicolor. Petals of deep pink have wide,...
#A15361$11.95 - In StockEarly-Midseason, H 24-28", Sev, Re, Ext–This popular award winner bears 4½" strawberry-pink, ruffled...
#A15357$11.95 - In StockMidseason, H 26-30", Dor, Ext–Deep purple, 6" blooms are lightly ruffled, exhibiting a silvery white watermark...
#A15399$11.95 - In StockMidseason, H 22-26", Dor, Re–Orange-red 5½" bi-tone blooms are borne singly on sturdy stems. Flowers...
#A15411$11.95 - In StockMidseason-Late, H 34-38", Sev, Re, Fra–A very fragrant, near-white daylily. The large, nicely formed, 6" blooms...
#A15419$11.95 - In StockMidseason, H 16-20", Ev, Ext–This exquisite, near-white daylily has classic beauty. The 5½" full,...
#A14985$11.95 - In StockEarly-Midseason, H 20-24", Dor, Re, Fra, Ext–Clear orchid pink, 4¾" blooms display wine-red eyezones and...
#A15691$11.95 - Out of StockLate, H 38-42", Sev, Fra–Fully double flowers can measure up to 7¼" in diameter. Elegantly ruffled...Buy Now Details