Daylily Surplus Sale

  • #A14905
    $7.95 - In Stock
    Late, H 26-30", Dor, Fra, Noc–Ruffled 4½" flowers are a creamy blend of light pink and peach. ? ? BR 
  • #A15273
    $7.95 - In Stock
    Late, H 22-26", Dor–Has a very commanding presence in the landscape. Vibrant red blossoms have purple edges and...
  • #A15636
    $7.95 - In Stock
    Early-Midseason, H 28-32", Ev, Re–Velvety dark blue-purple 6" blossoms with white edges and chartreuse throats....
  • #A15358
    $7.95 - In Stock
    Early-Midseason, H 12-18", Dor, Re, Fra, Ext–The most popular daylily of all time due to its long blooming...