Product Details
Growing Zones 3 to 9
Page Number 22
Planting Season Spring/Fall
Fertilizer Type 4-6-7
Height 10 in to 12 in
Foliage Color Variegated
Flower Color Lavender
Spacing 1.75 ft to 2 ft
Bareroot y
Genus Hosta
Species hybrida
Subspecies Rainbow's End
Common Name Hosta, Rainbow's End

Hosta, Rainbow's End

Buy 3 or more for $16.45 each
Aug-Sep, H 10-12", HF 16-19", W 21-24"–(PP17251) A picture can't quite capture the beauty of this variety. It features dark green leaves of thick, rubbery-like substance with yellowish central flares that lighten by summer. Bears large, lavender flowers on red scapes. Slow-growing, but well worth the wait. PP

Growing Zone: 3 to 9

Own Root

Height: 10 in to 12 in

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 3 to 9
Page Number 22
Planting Season Spring/Fall
Fertilizer Type 4-6-7
Height 10 in to 12 in
Foliage Color Variegated
Flower Color Lavender
Spacing 1.75 ft to 2 ft
Bareroot y
Genus Hosta
Species hybrida
Subspecies Rainbow's End
Common Name Hosta, Rainbow's End