Product Details
Growing Zones 3 to 9
Page Number 7
Fragrant y
Size Shipped 1 to 2 fan bare root divisions
Height 2.75 ft to 3.25 ft
Foliage Color Green
Flower Color Yellow
Bareroot y
Genus Hemerocallis
Species hybrida
Subspecies Yellow Mammoth
Common Name Daylily, Yellow Mammoth

Daylily, Yellow Mammoth

Buy 3 or more for $13.45 each
Midseason, H 32-38", Dor, Re, Fra–These highly fragrant lemon yellow blooms are often over 10" across, and have spoon-shaped petals and wavy ruffled edges. The plants exhibit good vigor and branching. BR

Growing Zone: 3 to 9

Own Root

Height: 2.75 ft to 3.25 ft

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 3 to 9
Page Number 7
Fragrant y
Size Shipped 1 to 2 fan bare root divisions
Height 2.75 ft to 3.25 ft
Foliage Color Green
Flower Color Yellow
Bareroot y
Genus Hemerocallis
Species hybrida
Subspecies Yellow Mammoth
Common Name Daylily, Yellow Mammoth