Product Details
Growing Zones 3 to 9
Page Number 4
Planting Season Spring
Size Shipped 1 to 2 fan bare root divisions
Height 2.5 ft to 2.75 ft
Foliage Color Green
Flower Color Lavender purple/ Yellow
Bareroot y
Genus Hemerocallis
Subspecies Catcher In The Eye
Common Name Daylily, Catcher in the Eye

Daylily, Catcher in the Eye

Buy 3 or more for $15.45 each
Early-Midseason, H 28-32", Ev, Re–Lavender purple 5¼" blooms are quite eye-catching, displaying a dark purple eye above a light yellow throat. Vigorous plants produce up to 30 buds per branch. BR

Growing Zone: 3 to 9

Own Root

Height: 2.5 ft to 2.75 ft

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 3 to 9
Page Number 4
Planting Season Spring
Size Shipped 1 to 2 fan bare root divisions
Height 2.5 ft to 2.75 ft
Foliage Color Green
Flower Color Lavender purple/ Yellow
Bareroot y
Genus Hemerocallis
Subspecies Catcher In The Eye
Common Name Daylily, Catcher in the Eye